9-11 images: a reminder
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Here are various images from the attacks on Sept. 11
I thought id add this to my site. it is a reminder of what happened. not to make ya sad, but just to refresh your memory.

Wish You Were Here!
A very cool picture.
Tower Two being hit
Seconds before the plane hits tower #2
Tower #2
Moments following Tower #2 being hit.
What a view!
A view across the water of both towers burning

Tower 2 falling
A close up image of Tower #2 falling into itself.
Tower #2 still burning.
Another angle of Tower #2 after the collapes of #1
The Aftermath
After both towers have collapsed. Looks like a war zone.
Looks Like snow!
Another street near ground zero

A construction worker expresses their feelings.

"...gave proof thru the nite, that the flag was still there"
Fire fighters raise the flag at ground zero